Finally SEA LTD is on Mainstream Media Attention

FINALLY!!! SEA LTD is getting attention on S traits Times. I was surprised no one was picking up on the upwards trajectory SEA Ltd was heading since April 2020. Like I mentioned in my post in June 2020 , I was perplexed no one from the investor community are picking up on this crazy stock. Now that SEA Ltd is featured in Yahoo , Straits Times and even Bloomberg , it may well just burst through the roof with all the latecomers pumping in. I wish I could say "I told you so" but I'm just glad I did my studies and research. I felt vindicated that my hard work is finally getting the benefits. When mainstream media is reporting on companies, this stock is no longer in the game to be bought because the media tends to give these companies media exposure and every retail investors will rush to buy them. That is where most investors get it wrong. My only gripe is that I didn't buy more. But that is ok because it is important to invest within your means. The timing on when to...