This Stock Just Exploded Over 200% If You Bought in March 2020

Singapore’s very own Sea Limited, the parent company of Southeast Asia game provider Garena , and the online e-commerce market, Shopee has risen dramatically. Due to the Pandemic which has made consumers to stay home more than usual, online shopping and online gaming has push this young tech start-up to dizzy heights. I'm still shocked why there is not much buzz here in Singapore trending about SE. These are kind of stocks to take note when there is a crisis. Like I document earlier on the stocks in my portfolio, I was watching it since last Dec 2019. An important factor that had my eye on it was there is significant financial backing from Tencent back in 2017. Just like SEA motto of "connecting the dots", I was connecting the dots. I kept tabs on it and was watching very closely since Dec 2019. The chance came when it nosedive in March 2020 and I went in. Catching the perfect wave I hope you did too and good luck for the next winning st...